I will start by saying by no means do I profess to be a scholar concerning Greek word etymology or a world renowned theologian. However, I’m an avid writer and I write based off of what I feel internally. I understand the complexities of humanity. I am a Christian and I started attending church around the tender age of eight. So I have been attending church over thirty-five years. I believe I’m to fuse Biblical and psychological principles to help people in the Earth in a practical and relatable way.

For as long as I could remember hearing we must “bare our crosses as Jesus did.” I don’t think I understood the full context of this until my adulthood. Things I have also heard are we must be pressed as olives to get the “oil” out of us. For my non Biblical readers it simply means that hardships in life produce internal character and strengths. For example, a bodybuilder who wants to obtain a certain physique must lift grueling pounds of weights and go through strenuous workouts. By no means does this sound fun to me at all. In all actuality, it has made my soul weary and tired on so many levels.
Images speak to me so above is a picture of an olive press. In the times of Jesus it was chronicled that he went to the Garden of Gethsemane which has significant meaning. Gath is said to mean pressing and shemen means oil. The fact that Jesus was in this garden was said to have much meaning. After a little further research it was said that Jesus had gone to a place called the Mount of Olives. Olives during this time was a precious commodity. Olives were considered one of the most precious substances in life. This symbolism matters. Follow me as I journey along.
The olive oil was used for cooking, lighting lamps, used in making of bread, and used to light up the inside of one of the most holiest temples in Judaea. So, olives had precious usage values. It was further said that Jesus had gone up to a Mount of Olives where when he came down he was praised and revered for being such a notable king and savior. Then days later he went into the Garden of Gethesmane in sheer agony and with no fanfare. I began to think here. Isn’t this just as life? On one side you could be revered and celebrating while seamlessly progress. But paradoxically you then experience some of the lowest moments in life. Oh these are such polar opposites.
I have seen life to be this way for me. I’m sure I’m not alone. I call this the ying and yang of life. I have experienced great highs and severe lows. Many say how do you navigate through such complexities?I I have found out that we must develop coping mechanisms to help us navigate the tough moments. We must learn to release what we can’t control and not allow our feelings to take us to feelings of despair. Many days I have yelled, screamed, and even cursed out of just anguish and frustration. I had moments of irritability and anger. I said why do things have to be this hard? But being honest I don’t recall saying why are things this good when I experienced them. It is something about our humanity that doesn’t like pain. However, pain is just an inevitable part of life we can’t get around. I have laid on my face in a ball of tears just asking why so much pain. I have asked why did I have to experience infant loss or my brother committing suicide. If I would have let my mind drift into an insatiable abyss I know I would have been in a psychiatric facility. Sometimes the pressures of life can be that daunting. But the reality is it’s just not everyday I have experienced that level of pain.

I sit and say if I had never experienced any pain or hardships would I have fortitude and strength. I don’t believe I would. I would love to tell you that your life will be full of sunshine. But then I would not be authentic. I say the answer isn’t to give up but to keep pushing and to develop a team of support. I also say it’s beneficial to develop a meditative lifestyle so you can quiet your mind when life gets too noisy. Something about the word long suffering doesn’t pretty my fancy but I say life will not be without challenges and uphill battles. Life will provide heavy moments of resistance. I simply say stay the course as the tide will eventually turn. I’m not the one to paint this fairytale gospel that you can click your heels and shazam you are problemless. That’s just not true. Sometimes dealing with other humans can be tough. Gospel artist Kirk Franklin is in social media news because he loss his “cool”. Let me sit here and say we all have. Many may have not used profanity but we surely have expressed our feelings in a way that was not the best at times. Being authentic will serve everyone well in life.
To be honest writing this blog has been a good therapeutic medium for me because honestly I started writing because I was mad and upset. I was pissed off. Yup, that is exactly how I felt. I sat and said to God why do I have to endure dealing with this said person? In my heart of hearts I simply heard in a still small voice because I have forgiven you much. Often we do not want to deal with the flaws or imperfections of another because it may make you uncomfortable. Could it possibly be those are growth moments for you? We are in a society of this cancel culture. Everything must go if it doesn’t agree with you or soothe your insatiable need to have your ego stroked. Some stuff is just hard and we must learn to maneuver throughout. As Drake the rapper so eloquently said in his song Toosie Slide
It go, right foot up, left foot slide
Left foot up, right foot slide
Basically, I’m saying either way, we ’bout to slide, ayy
We must be pliable, flexible, and agile in this thing called life. We must have the courage, resilience, and tenacity to handle our own olive press and Garden of Gethsemane moments. I do not know one human who has not felt the pinch or press of life.
I leave these ten pearls of wisdom
•develop a support system
•find healthy outlets to share your most rawest feelings
•find things to bring you peace, tranquility, and calm
•accept what you can not change and change what you can
•pray and meditate
•seek wise counsel
•practice self care
•reframe how you look at things
•admit when you are upset or angry
•regroup when necessary
Let’s stay connected @Tarinna Olley on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn