We must stop this toxic behavior of suppressing hurt feelings. Feelings are not feminine. Some people get their feelings hurt and then you stop talking for example. It’s nothing feminine about saying oh that bothered me. We must learn to put pride to the side and say “hey I didn’t like that”. But we hear things like “I’m not tripping or I don’t care”. More times than not that’s not true. It’s not a sign of weakness if you tell someone something bothered you. It does not make you a chump or a punk or questionable in your sexual identity when you say how you feel. We must stop saying things like “stop acting soft or like a girl”. You tell a person you are not bothered but you stop speaking or calling. That’s called shutting down. It happens for a reason. Be true. Be honest! #soulsessions #toxicmasculinity #feelingsarentfeminine #counseling #support #education #selfcare