My answer is a resounding yes! I would not be the woman I am today without the church. My foundational beliefs in Christ have been cultivated by the church. The guiding principles I believe in have been birthed out of the church. People will believe a myriad of things. However, I choose to believe in Christ. I am not trying to convince you to believe how I believe. However, I am not ashamed to share what works for me. It is my hope that something I say connects with you in some way. But I know for sure my faith in God has helped sustain my mental state in life. I have experienced some hardships that almost made me lose my mind especially when I lost my baby. I was heartbroken to say the least. In those times I only had faith to pull on. I did not understand it. I cried and I questioned God. There was just something in my soul that said just keep going.

Key notes
- In life you need an anchor to assist you during hard times.
- Faith is needed when you do not understand things in life.
- Believing in an entity bigger than yourself brings hope.
There have been many benefits to me and others who have a foundation in church. When I say church, I mean more than just the building and attendance. I mean having your own relationship with God the Father. I got those principles from attending church. I also have been blessed to build a community from church as well as hone my leadership skills.
In this day and age, people connect to all kinds of things. It is my hope that people connect to things that guide them down paths of human flourishing. Wherever humans are there will be flaws and imperfections. We can’t get around that. But do not use that as an excuse not to connect with positive communities. Church has been that positive community for me. Not a perfect community but neither are we as humans. I just know without a shadow of a doubt that my routes in faith were cultivated in church. I am glad about it.