I’m extremely happy seeing other women win. Omg it brings me joy. I have had the honor of interviewing women on various committees I have lead and now these women are leading committees. I’m like girl go head and do the dag on thing with your bad self. I believe every leader should help other leaders develop. That’s the goal in my opinion. Push people to their best potential. When my sis wins guess what I win too. Oh I’m happy! Many women have mentored me. I have watched and learned from many women then I got the confidence to lead . Each one teach one. God gave me the idea to create this segment to do at the end of every committee meeting for a women’s group I’m a part of. The segments are magical. Seeing women who have never spoken in public now lead segments is amazing. This is truly professional and personal development. It gives women an opportunity to showcase their oratorical skills, research skills, and presentation skills. Empowering other women it’s what it is all about! There is no reason to envious or jealous of another woman because we all are great in our own way! Being a women is your superpower. Celebrate it in yourself and in another woman!