Don’t feel guilty for saying no. People will adjust! No is absolutely a complete sentence. It does need an explanation and it stands alone. As much as we say no in life we need to say yes. Not setting firm boundaries can be detrimental to your physical health and mental well-being. We should not feel like we must show up for every event or commit to everything. It will weigh on you over time. Exhaustion and burnout is a real thing. The body must have time to replenish and rejuvenate so sometimes that should happen when you respectfully and unequivocally say no. It is not being mean when you say no. Dare not allow anyone to make you feel guilty for doing what works for you.
Be alert and watch carefully those people who you very rarely tell no and the time you do their disposition changes. That should sound an internal alarm for you to just look at. I think it is selfish and self seeking when those you support fully lament at a no from you. One of my old workers says he felt like he did his children a disservice because he told them yes too much. I think we do the same when we always are available for people all the time. I understand this now as a parent and as friend. People can start to feel obligated that you do for them and it should not be that way. Boundaries are necessary in life. Let your yes’s be yes and you no’s be no! People will adjust and if they can not or choose not then bid them farewell. Those who respect boundaries and understand boundaries will have no problem when you say no.

#boundaries #noguilt #nodoesntmeanyes #noisacompletesentence #counseling #emotions #lifelessons